
Before you let a bad word about the police force or individual officers escape your lips I want you to remember these things.

1. They’ve seen things no one should see and had to make a call in a split second. Knowing they will be question and vilified if it’s seen as the wrong call by those who have hours to mull the situation over.

2. One police officer you dealt with 6 years ago who was a dick…. is not ALL the police. Don’t judge the entire force full of individuals because of one person.

3. If you did get reprimanded you were doing something wrong, it’s their job to let you know. Don’t be a dick because you got caught and blame them for doing their job. They’re trying to keep people safe.

4. As a parent we sometimes get exhausted by trying to teach, guide, resolve the conflict, fix up boo boos of our children….imagine having to parent the whole of society!? Believe it or not a good number of adults can’t adult. Even if they think they can!

5. Our officers just want to get home safely to their families. Just like anyone in any other job. Except every day when they put on their uniform they are agreeing to put themselves in the line of fire in every way – for you. Thank them for that, don’t be a jerk.

6. If you feel wronged when you’re pulled over for a broken tail light or going ‘a little above the speed limit’ remember that – A) That is wrong and you’re responsibility as an adult to maintain your behaviour and vehicle and B) The officer you’re looking at may have just come from telling a family their delinquent teen is no longer going to cause them any sleepless nights of worry for where they are – because they will be forever in the one place where they can lay flowers each week.

The picture is bigger than you. Small things can grow if left unchecked. They know better than anyone. Take your reprimand on the chin and do better.

And if you know a cop, if they’re a friend or loved one check in with them on how they are every now and then. Seeing what they see and doing what they do changes people.

Thanks to all the cops I know, I appreciate you.

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